Saturday, January 26, 2013

Negative post! (with some positivity following)

This is a list of my recent least favorite things

  • Working 2-10
    • I don't get to see my husband awake during the week.
    • I get sleepy at 6 pm.
    • I feel like a lazy bum when I sleep in until 10 am. 
    • I end up waking husband up at three in the morning moaning about how I want Mac & Cheese due to thrown off life schedule. 
  • Big, fat, stupid, huge, jerkish, mean, immature white vans
    • Who park under covered parking and make parking difficult/impossible
    • Who key cars that are pretty and new and expensive.
    • And therefore make my day off with said husband more of a headache.
Here is a list of my recent favorite things:
  • Used book stores that let me get cookbooks for cheap!
  • A JOB!
    • There is a lot of sanitizing stuffs.
    • I also get to wear a lab coat. It's legit.
    • There is hot chocolate and popcorn. 
    • It's nice.
  • My hair
    • It's brown. Dark brown.
      • Primary children ask me if I'm wearing a wig.
  • Root beer scented candle
    • It's nice. 


  1. I'm sorry about bad things, but it sounds like there's tons of good things too! Also, why the devil have I not seen pictures of this hair yet? Or better yet, seen it in person?

  2. Bahaha. I win. I have seen the aforementioned hair.
    I am jealous that you have hot chocolate and popcorn at your job.
